Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2010

Monster Japanese 1 & Monster Japanese 2 out now!

Monster Japanese 1 & Monster Japanese 2 are now available in the App Store. Go and get your copy now!

App Store Links:

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hi there! I have your kana monster free app and I am really enjoying it and finding it helpful. However I just have a couple of points of feedback for you:
    1. The character that should be labelled as 'ZE' is incorrectly labelled as 'ZU'.
    2. Also it would be really great if you incorporated a shuffle function into the boxes. Revision of my mastered box gets tiresome if all the kana are still arranged in the order I mastered them.

    I will probably buy your other vocabulary apps regardless as I am a big fan of the simplistic layout and recall method you have used to organize your kana!
